You might be married to the worst man on earth,
like Asiah who married with Firaun but it did not actually changed her (her aqidah)
You might be married to the best man on earth,
eg: the Prophet of Allah, but it doesn't mean you are going to Jannah with him,
like the wife Nabi Luth A.S
You might not married to any man,
like Maryam but Allah put you higher than other woman on earth
Put love and trust on Allah, and Allah is the main focus
Sunday, May 27, 2012
dia bukan milik kita
bila dia menjauh,
bila masa membina jarak,
dan jarak membina tembok.
jangan pernah lupa bahawa kita pernah bertanya
pada DIA tentang dia.
jangan lupa bahawa kita pernah meminta
DIA menjauhkan dia,
bila dia bukan untuk kita.
maka bila dia semakin jauh,
mungkin ini petunjuk dari-NYA.
belajarlah kembali menjalani hari dengan sendiri.
belajarlah menerima dengan redha dan lapang dada.
kerana aturan Allah lebih indah dan baik dari yang dijangka.
jangan pernah lupa,
semua hanya boleh berlaku dengan izin dan redha-NYA.
maka bila bukan namanya yang tertulis dalam rencana-NYA,
biarlah DIA menjarakkan dia dari kita….
sabarlah wahai hati..
mana janjimu?
mana janjimu pada diri?
bahawa kau tak akan menangis lagi?
mana janjimu pada hati?
bahawa kau tak akan menyesali dan mengingatinya lagi?
begitu payah,
kau ukir sebuah janji pada hatimu sendiri,
begitu payah,
kau bina tembok memagari rasa yang mencemari hati.
mana janjimu,
bahawa kau akan rela dan redha?
mana pergi sebuah keyakinan,
bahawa ketentuan DIA itu lebih baik dan sentiasa baik,
melebihi apa yang kau mohon, apa yang kau pinta, apatah lagi sekadar apa yang kau rasa?
mana pergi sebuah janji,
yang kau bina lewat sepi dalam hari-harimu?
mana pergi sebuah kepercayaan,
bahawa jodoh dan pertemuan adalah suatu ketetapan,
yang tidak akan ada kesilapan?
mana pergi sebuah janji,
bahawa kau akan berbahagia,
dengan semua aturan Ilahi?
mana pergi harapan,
untuk melihat dia berbahagia, dan engkau pun redha?
mana pergi janji,
bahawa air matamu malam itu,
adalah yang terakhir,
bahawa rindumu malam itu ada yang penamat?
mana pergi janji,
bahawa untuk melihat dia bahagia,
kau pun akan berbahagia?
kuatkan hati jangan menitiskan air mata lagi.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Allah, mengapa aku?
selalu, bila diuji, bila diduga,
kita bertanya, ya Allah, mengapa aku?
ya Allah, kenapa jadi macam ni, dekat aku.
ya Allah, kenapa aku dapat takdir yang macam ni.
rasa dalam hati, sesak dan sebak.
hati terasa dihimpit batu besar yang berat.
ya Allah, bukan aku tak redha….
tapi, kenapa selalu aku tak mendapat apa yang aku ingin.
mengapa selalu benar aku diuji.
mengapa aku tak dapat itu, tetapi dapat ini?
itulah rintih hati?
ya Allah.
manusia, itulah lumrah.
memang begitu, bila tak dapat apa yang diingini, kita bertanya, mengapa DIA tak beri.
bila begitu banyak catatan, ayat, bahkan penulisan masih tak mampu menyembuh luka dihati, maka mungkin tiba masanya kita muhasabah diri dari sisi yang lain.
Ya Allah, kenapa aku dapat ini?
Ya Allah, aku selalu berdosa, tapi mengapa masih KAU berikan kasih sayang-MU padaku?
Ya Allah, aku selalu melupakan-MU, tapi masih KAU berikan aku pelbagai nikmat, sedang selalu benar, aku ingikari-MU.
ya Allah, terlalu banyak yang KAU beri, tapi, terlalu sedikit yang aku syukuri.
ya Allah, terlalu banyak yang KAU izinkan aku miliki, tapi terlalu sedikit sebenarnya yang layak aku miliki.
pernah? pernah duduk, istighfar dan renungi diri.
banyak, terlalu banyak yang kita tak minta Allah beri.
banyak, terlalu banyak, yang kita tak patut dan tak layak dapat,
tapi Allah anugerahkan, Allah berikan, dan izinkan kita rasakan nikmat-NYA.
masih tak rasakah, betapa besar dan luasnya kasih sayang Allah? ;’(
ya Allah, kerasnya hatiku..
sudahlah, pujuk hati.
mungkin, mungkin banyak yang kita nak, tapi tidak kita miliki,
kita mintak, kita mohon tapi Allah tak beri.
tapi, sebenarnya, dalam tak sedar, lebih banyak, yang kita tak patut dapat, tak layak miliki, Allah berikan, Allah izinkan kita miliki.
selalu benar, kita tanya Allah, tentang perkara yang kita tak sukai, tapi tak pernah kita persoal diri tentang perkara yang terlalu banyak kita miliki padahal, kalau dilihat pada akhlak dan amal kita, tiada apa pun yang berhak kita miliki.
sabarlah, DIA masih sayang kita, walaupun, bukan dengan memberi apa yang kita mohon.
jangan melihat kekurangan, tapi hargailah kenikmatan.
bila ingin bertanya ALLAH tentang kesulitan dan kesusahan,
tanyalah juga tentang nikmat dan kesenangan!
bukan senang nk delete..
bukan senang nak 'buang', 'delete' or 'padam' name someone..
sama cam mencuba sepenuh dan sekuat ati memadam sepatah perkataan kat sekeping sehelai kertas yang ditulis ngan sebatang pen..
konfem2 la tak bley nak ilang sebab kite tahu pemadam tak mampu memadam dakwat pen.
tapi kite nak jugak padam..desak pemadam tu padam jugak kan.. :)
bukan perkatan yang terpadam tapi kertas tu yang koyak.
same la cam ati kite lau kite pakse jugak padam name someone ati kite pon akan koyak cam kertas tu..
ops! bukan koyak.of course la perit,pedih sume la yang sewaktu dengannya...
*padam sekuat hati! grrr*
abes tu nak wat pe???
mintak hati baru la..hehe
oh Tuhan
May Allah forgive me of my sins. The outward and the inward. The intentional and the unintentional. May Allah forgive me for being a repeat offender, sinning the same sin over and over again. May Allah forgive me for being heedless. For being ignorant. For being arrogant, ungrateful, impatient. More importantly, May Allah forgive me for not seeking forgiveness for all the sins I have committed.
Ya Allah, please forgive me what i have done..
dan, saya rasa, bahawa saya tak layak, dan tak berhak.
itulah, yang selalu kita rasa,
bila kita rasa down dengan hidup ini.
bila kita tak dapat apa yang kita nak.
bila apa yang kita rancang, tak menjadi,
bila apa yang kita harap, jadi sebaliknya.
dush* dush*
rasa macam kena hempap batu besar.
rasa aja kan?
bilal bin rabah, batu besar diletak atas dadanya, sedang kita cuma “rasa, macam”
ok? so, jangan nak overacting.
bilal bin rabah, batu besar diletak atas dadanya, sedang kita cuma “rasa, macam”
ok? so, jangan nak overacting.
dia lain, imannya kuat.
heh? habis tu, kita tak nak bina iman yang kuat? nak berlembik-lembik?
berhenti tongkat dagu, tepuk dahi sendiri!
betulkah, bila kita asyik dapat benda yang kita tak nak,
maknanya kita tak layak dan tak berhak hidup bahagia?
*air mata bergenang, sedihnya.*
tak la!
Dan bila dah usaha dengan cara & jalan yang betul,
Masih tak dapat apa yang kita nak,
Maka sabarlah.
Dan bila dah doa dan minta sungguh-sungguh,
Masih tak diberikan apa yang kita pinta,
Maka redhalah.
Allah lebih tahu apa yang lebih baik.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
DIRIWAYATKAN oleh Muadz bin Jabal RA dari Ibn Abbas RA, ia berkata..
"Kami bersama Rasululah SAW berada di rumah seorang kawan dari golongan Anshar dalam sebuah jamaah. Tiba-tiba, ada yang memanggil dari luar..
“ Ooo tuan rumah, boleh aku tumpang masuk, kerana kamu perlu padaku!"
"Kamu tahu tak siapa yang panggil itu?" Tanya Rasul pada kawannya.
"Tentu Allah dan Rasulnya lebih tahu." Jawab kawannya.
"Dia adalah Iblis terkutuk, semoga Allah laknatkannya." Jawab Rasul.
Umar bin Khattab membalas,"Ya Rasulullah, izinkan aku bunuh sahaja?"
"Sabar Umar." Bisik Rasul perlahan. "Engkau tak tahu ke, dia termasuk mereka yang ditunda kematiannya hingga waktu tertentu? Sekarang, sila buka pintu untuknya, kerana dia sedang diarahkan Allah SWT. Fahami apa yang dia kata dan dengar apa yang dia beritahu kamu."
Begitu kata Ibnu Abbas RA. Beliau terus bercerita lagi..
“Pintu dibuka, Iblispun masuk di tengah-tengah kami. Ternyata dia seorang tua bangka dan buta pula sebelah mata. Dagunya berjanggut tujuh helai, rambut panjang seperti rambut kuda. Dua kelopak matanya panjang. Kepalanya seperti kepala gajah sangat besar. Gigi taringnya panjang keluar macam taring babi. Dua bibirnya seperti bibir harimau/kerbau.
Dia (Iblis) berkata, “ Assalamu ‘alaika ya Muhammad, assalamu ‘alaikum ya jamaa’atal-muslimin ”.
Nabi SAW jawab : ” Assamu lillah ya la’iin. Aku tahu kau ada keperluan pada kami. Apa yang kau mahu Iblis?"
"Ya Muhammad, aku datang bukan kerana keinginanku sendiri, tetapi aku datang kerana terpaksa.” Jawab Iblis.
Nabi SAW tanya lagi, "Terpaksa kerana apa ke sini hai yang dilaknat?"
Iblis menjawab, "Aku didatangi seorang malaikat utusan Tuhan Yang Maha Agung. Ia (Malaikat) berkata padaku, ‘Allah SWT suruh kau jumpa Muhammad SAW, dalam keadaan hina dan bersahaja sahaja. Kau beritahunya, bagaimana tipu muslihat, godaan dan putarbelit engkau terhadap Bani Adam, bagaimana engkau pujuk dan merayu mereka. Engkau kena jawab dengan jujur apa saja yang ditanyakan padamu’.
Allah SWT berfirman, "Demi kemuliaan dan keagunganKu, jika engkau berbohong sekali saja dan tidak berkata benar, niscaya Aku jadikan kamu debu yang dihempas angin lalu dan Aku puaskan musuhmu dengan bencana yang menimpamu”.
Wahai Muhammad, sekarang aku datang kepadamu sebagaimana aku diperintah. Tanyakanlah kepadaku apa yang kau inginkan. Jika (jawapan) aku tidak memuaskanmu tentang apa yang kamu tanya itu, niscaya musuhku akan puas atas musibah yang terjadi padaku. Tiada beban yang lebih berat bagiku dengan leganya musuh-musuhku, dari menimpa diriku”. (Demikian jawapan panjang dari Iblis).
"Jika kamu jujur, beritahuku, siapa yang paling kamu benci?” Rasul mula bertanya lagi.
Jawab Iblis, "Engkau.. Muhammad. Engkau adalah makhluk Allah yang paling aku benci.. Kemudian orang-orang yang mengikuti agamamu”.
Rasulullah SAW : "Siapa lagi yang kamu benci?”.
"Anak muda yang taqwa, yang serahkan jiwanya kepada Allah SWT”. Jawab Iblis.
”Lalu siapa lagi ?” Tanya Rasul.
"Orang alim dan wara aku tahu, lagi penyabar” jelas Iblis
"Lalu, siapa lagi?”, tanya Rasul.
"Orang yang terus menerus menjaga diri dalam keadaan suci dari kotoran”, jelas Iblis.
Rasulullah: "Lalu, siapa lagi?”.
”Orang miskin yang sabar, tidak cerita fakirnya kepada orang lain dan tidak mengadu keluh-kesahnya“. Kata Iblis.
Rasulullah: "Bagaimana kamu tahu dia penyabar?”.
"Muhammad.. jika ia mengadukan keluh kesahnya kepada makhluq sesamanya selama tiga hari, Tuhan tidak masukkan dirinya ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang sabar." Jelas Iblis.
Rasulullah:”Lalu, siapa lagi ?”.
Iblis: "Orang kaya bersyukur".
Rasulullah bertanya: "Bagaimana kamu tahu ia bersyukur?”.
"Jika aku lihat dia ambil dan letakkan pada tempat yang halal..”, jelas Iblis.
Rassulullah:”Bagaimana keadaanmu jika umatku kerjakan sholat ?”.
Iblis: "Aku merasa panas dan gemetar!”.
Rasulullah: "Kenapa, hai yang dilaknat?”.
"Sesungguhnya, jika seorang hamba bersujud kepada Allah dengan sekali sujud saja, maka Allah mengangkat darjatnya satu tingkat”.
Rassulullah:”Jika mereka shaum (berpuasa) ?”.
"Aku terbelenggu sampai mereka berbuka puasa”. Jelas Iblis.
Rasulullah:”Jika mereka menunaikan haji?”.
Iblis: "Aku jadi gila!”.
Rasulullah: "Jika mereka membaca Al Qur’an?".
Iblis: "Aku meleleh seperti timah meleleh di atas api”.
Rasulullah: "Jika mereka berzakat?”.
Iblis: "Seakan-akan perzakat itu mengambil gergaji/kapak dan memotongku jadi dua”.
"Kami bersama Rasululah SAW berada di rumah seorang kawan dari golongan Anshar dalam sebuah jamaah. Tiba-tiba, ada yang memanggil dari luar..
“ Ooo tuan rumah, boleh aku tumpang masuk, kerana kamu perlu padaku!"
"Kamu tahu tak siapa yang panggil itu?" Tanya Rasul pada kawannya.
"Tentu Allah dan Rasulnya lebih tahu." Jawab kawannya.
"Dia adalah Iblis terkutuk, semoga Allah laknatkannya." Jawab Rasul.
Umar bin Khattab membalas,"Ya Rasulullah, izinkan aku bunuh sahaja?"
"Sabar Umar." Bisik Rasul perlahan. "Engkau tak tahu ke, dia termasuk mereka yang ditunda kematiannya hingga waktu tertentu? Sekarang, sila buka pintu untuknya, kerana dia sedang diarahkan Allah SWT. Fahami apa yang dia kata dan dengar apa yang dia beritahu kamu."
Begitu kata Ibnu Abbas RA. Beliau terus bercerita lagi..
“Pintu dibuka, Iblispun masuk di tengah-tengah kami. Ternyata dia seorang tua bangka dan buta pula sebelah mata. Dagunya berjanggut tujuh helai, rambut panjang seperti rambut kuda. Dua kelopak matanya panjang. Kepalanya seperti kepala gajah sangat besar. Gigi taringnya panjang keluar macam taring babi. Dua bibirnya seperti bibir harimau/kerbau.
Dia (Iblis) berkata, “ Assalamu ‘alaika ya Muhammad, assalamu ‘alaikum ya jamaa’atal-muslimin ”.
Nabi SAW jawab : ” Assamu lillah ya la’iin. Aku tahu kau ada keperluan pada kami. Apa yang kau mahu Iblis?"
"Ya Muhammad, aku datang bukan kerana keinginanku sendiri, tetapi aku datang kerana terpaksa.” Jawab Iblis.
Nabi SAW tanya lagi, "Terpaksa kerana apa ke sini hai yang dilaknat?"
Iblis menjawab, "Aku didatangi seorang malaikat utusan Tuhan Yang Maha Agung. Ia (Malaikat) berkata padaku, ‘Allah SWT suruh kau jumpa Muhammad SAW, dalam keadaan hina dan bersahaja sahaja. Kau beritahunya, bagaimana tipu muslihat, godaan dan putarbelit engkau terhadap Bani Adam, bagaimana engkau pujuk dan merayu mereka. Engkau kena jawab dengan jujur apa saja yang ditanyakan padamu’.
Allah SWT berfirman, "Demi kemuliaan dan keagunganKu, jika engkau berbohong sekali saja dan tidak berkata benar, niscaya Aku jadikan kamu debu yang dihempas angin lalu dan Aku puaskan musuhmu dengan bencana yang menimpamu”.
Wahai Muhammad, sekarang aku datang kepadamu sebagaimana aku diperintah. Tanyakanlah kepadaku apa yang kau inginkan. Jika (jawapan) aku tidak memuaskanmu tentang apa yang kamu tanya itu, niscaya musuhku akan puas atas musibah yang terjadi padaku. Tiada beban yang lebih berat bagiku dengan leganya musuh-musuhku, dari menimpa diriku”. (Demikian jawapan panjang dari Iblis).
"Jika kamu jujur, beritahuku, siapa yang paling kamu benci?” Rasul mula bertanya lagi.
Jawab Iblis, "Engkau.. Muhammad. Engkau adalah makhluk Allah yang paling aku benci.. Kemudian orang-orang yang mengikuti agamamu”.
Rasulullah SAW : "Siapa lagi yang kamu benci?”.
"Anak muda yang taqwa, yang serahkan jiwanya kepada Allah SWT”. Jawab Iblis.
”Lalu siapa lagi ?” Tanya Rasul.
"Orang alim dan wara aku tahu, lagi penyabar” jelas Iblis
"Lalu, siapa lagi?”, tanya Rasul.
"Orang yang terus menerus menjaga diri dalam keadaan suci dari kotoran”, jelas Iblis.
Rasulullah: "Lalu, siapa lagi?”.
”Orang miskin yang sabar, tidak cerita fakirnya kepada orang lain dan tidak mengadu keluh-kesahnya“. Kata Iblis.
Rasulullah: "Bagaimana kamu tahu dia penyabar?”.
"Muhammad.. jika ia mengadukan keluh kesahnya kepada makhluq sesamanya selama tiga hari, Tuhan tidak masukkan dirinya ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang sabar." Jelas Iblis.
Rasulullah:”Lalu, siapa lagi ?”.
Iblis: "Orang kaya bersyukur".
Rasulullah bertanya: "Bagaimana kamu tahu ia bersyukur?”.
"Jika aku lihat dia ambil dan letakkan pada tempat yang halal..”, jelas Iblis.
Rassulullah:”Bagaimana keadaanmu jika umatku kerjakan sholat ?”.
Iblis: "Aku merasa panas dan gemetar!”.
Rasulullah: "Kenapa, hai yang dilaknat?”.
"Sesungguhnya, jika seorang hamba bersujud kepada Allah dengan sekali sujud saja, maka Allah mengangkat darjatnya satu tingkat”.
Rassulullah:”Jika mereka shaum (berpuasa) ?”.
"Aku terbelenggu sampai mereka berbuka puasa”. Jelas Iblis.
Rasulullah:”Jika mereka menunaikan haji?”.
Iblis: "Aku jadi gila!”.
Rasulullah: "Jika mereka membaca Al Qur’an?".
Iblis: "Aku meleleh seperti timah meleleh di atas api”.
Rasulullah: "Jika mereka berzakat?”.
Iblis: "Seakan-akan perzakat itu mengambil gergaji/kapak dan memotongku jadi dua”.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Hijab is Not to protect men
As we know, Islam provides a few guidelines on dress code for both men and women. They are designed to promote modesty while still allowing a functioning and healthy society. I’ve heard and read a number of stories and have observed the attitudes of many brothers: that Islamic guidelines for women’s clothing and modesty exist largely for the purpose of protecting men from fitnah (trial, spiritual test, calamity). If a Muslim woman does not dress in a way they deem appropriate in their vicinity, some people will denigrate them for dressing or acting un-Islamically and being a fitnah for them. Some of these comments highlight an understanding that is divorced from healthy Islamic principles:
“Oh man, these girls are a fitnah!”
“If a guy looks at you more than once, you aren’t covering properly.”
“If a guy likes you, then you are a fitnah in the community.”
“If you’re causing fitnah at school, it is better for you to leave the school.”
“Cover properly, so that you aren’t a trial for the guys!”
Such comments strike at the insecurities, religious aspirations, and self-esteem of our sisters in a way Islam never ever meant. This environment can only result in a few endings. One, a person will decide that she wants nothing to do with a practicing version of Islam and will leave practicing circles, deciding to strike her own path. Why would anyone want to be in a judgmental environment? Second, she may buy into this version of “Islam” and develop insecurities and issues that a natural, Prophetically-guided, scholarly approach to Islam would never allow.
In Islam, hijab is not demanded of women by men. Hijab and modesty is ordered upon women by the Merciful Ever-Living, Ever-Watchful God, as a protection and a barrier. A means of interacting in society while holding the line against anyone who would seek to harass, hit on, annoy, or irritate them. It is an outward symbol of an inward spiritual reality and aspiration. It is not a political flag for the Islamic state, it is not a sign of women’s subjugation to men, it is not a litmus test for religiosity, and it is not a measure of a woman’s piety, family background, or sign of her upbringing.
It is one act, a result of one of God’s commands. Everyone tries to obey Him, all of us fall short. As one of the `ulama (scholars) in Chicago once taught: “A person’s public sin is no worse than your private sin.”
The attitude that hijab and Islamic dress codes exist to protect men are an utter and total fallacy. How do we know that? Let us approach the Book of Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He):
“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (Qur’an 33:59)
This verse comes with the cause or ‘illa behind the commandment: “so that they may be known and not abused.” Notice that the verse does not come with any mention of men. This is about the protection of women’s physical safety and presence from men, not the protection of men’s spiritual state from women. The fact that this protection may occur is a benefit of the Hijab for the community, not its purpose. From this, we can take four points that are critical to a healthy Islamic understanding of hijab.
Hijab is not there to protect men. If you think it is there to protect you as a man, we have turned an act to be done for Allah (swt), into an act to be done for us. It is there to protect women, so do not pervert the purpose of this command of God (swt). There is no doubt that we come across immodesty on TV, at school, work, and all over. We should not use the fact that a sister is dressed in a way that does not fit God’s commandments (or our personal interpretation of God’s commandments) into a reason for having bad manners, a lack of respect, and a lack of humility.
For brothers, we should lower our gazes and move on. We don’t need to comment about how this is such a fitnah or loudly say, “Astaghfirullah (I seek refuge in God),” so our boys can hear us and see how “pious” we are.
For sisters, if you want to advise someone about hijab, ask yourself, am I advising because it makes me feel pious? Or am I advising because I care about this person and want to be a good friend and sister in calling her towards the pleasure of Allah (swt)? Most of the sisters who decide to wear the hijab in adulthood don’t do it because someone yelled at them or taunted them. They do it because they were able to recognize its beauty after spending time with people who wore it with dignity and showed modesty not just in their clothing, but also in their character.
Men should frame the issue of the fitnah of women in their environment as a factor of their own closeness to God. We know the society we live in and the schools we go to. That was never a surprise. Taqwa (God consciousness) is the key protecting us, so focus on that.
There are so many gender-relations talks and seminars in Muslim communities that it almost baffles the outsider. How can a group of people who claim to have the guidance and the path to Paradise laid out for them by the Best of Mankind ï·º (peace be upon him), have trouble understanding the basics of how to interact with one another professionally and with respect?
The issue of struggling with the base desires, as mentioned in Imam al-Ghazali’s book, “Breaking the Two Desires,” is one that is closely tied to one’s relationship with God. The soul is something that was created by God, and in order to get it to grow and defeat the base desires of the body, it must be fed. As Shah Walilullah wrote, something that is created out of the spiritual world, cannot be fed with the material of the physical world. If we want to curtail the desires of our body (for sex, comfort, food), and increase the spiritual discipline and awareness of God in our own souls, the key is developing a relationship and connection to the Book of God, the houses of God, the people of God, and the remembrance of God. Complaining about how some women in our environment do not dress appropriately and so we are having spiritual struggles is a cop out.
As many of our spiritual masters have said over the centuries, the first step in gaining nearness to God, is to understand that one must blame his or her own soul, and acknowledge his or her own deficiencies, before seeking the One who is Free From Deficiencies. This is put into action through tawbah – turning towards God in repentance.
Hijab is about the Fiqh (Law) for Women, not the Tazkiyyah (Spiritual Purification) of Men
We should make no mistake. The legal opinion of normative Islam, from the time of the Prophet ï·º till today, is undivided in the view that women should cover their hair and dress modestly in the presence of non-familial men. The scholars are also undivided in the fact that you and I should not yell at our parents, swear at the weather, treat people harshly, drink alcohol, miss prayers, speak meanly to others, backbite, or judge other human beings without knowing their situations.
Muslim men should focus on their spirituality through good company, prayer, and all the other practices we are ordered to do, while allowing this to remain an issue’s of women’s fiqh (law), and not of men’s spirituality.
Because of the judgmental comments and harshness, and sometimes, sly, torpedo-in-the-water comments directed towards our sisters, many imams, da`ees (people who call others to Islam), teachers, and well-meaning advisors have trouble approaching the topic of hijab. Anyone even discussing it is often painted with the paintbrush that he is “judgmental.” This occurs even when the da`ee or teacher is doing so in the best of manners and with sound knowledge. This fault is on all involved of course – those of us responsible for spreading an environment of harshness, and those responsible for judging all religiously-oriented figures as being harsh and difficult to deal with.
The bad manners of some of us in “enjoining good” have made it impossible for our teachers and people of knowledge to enjoin it correctly, as people paint all of those who open their mouth on this and other issues with the same brush. This allows those who actually try to claim that the hijab is not a part of Islam to have their ignorance heard, while keeping the knowledgeable scholars from having their knowledge spread.
Men should advise the women of their family and encourage them on this topic in a way that befits the Prophetic character.
No one should take this to mean that hijab is not an important part of a Muslim’s woman’s obligations towards God. But that is the key. Towards God. Hijab should not become inflated as a symbol that boosts the religious standing of a woman’s family, nor a flag of political Islam, nor a tool to show off her piety, nor a cloth of guilt that makes her hate it.
It is instead, a command from God that comes in the most beautiful manner, for her own protection, her own elevation, and her own dignity.
As a closing note, we should remember that if we are doing something that is good, and are enabled to do it – we should not cast off that good deed just because we may have suddenly realized that our original intention was not solely for the sake of Allah (swt). Even if we are wearing the hijab, praying regularly, speaking well, giving charity, or doing any other good deed and originally began it with an intention that wasn’t healthy or focused on Allah (swt), we should not let Shaytaan (the Devil) trick us into ceasing the good deed. Instead, we can turn towards our Lord, ask him to purify our intention, and dedicate our deed towards Him.
This is a religion that is about community. As our Lord states in Surat al Hujurat (The Chapter of the Rooms, Qur’an 49), we are nothing but brothers and sisters to each other. We should advise each other towards good, but do it with a sound understanding of the legal basis of what we are calling to, as well as a sound understanding of the manners that befit our message.
“Oh man, these girls are a fitnah!”
“If a guy looks at you more than once, you aren’t covering properly.”
“If a guy likes you, then you are a fitnah in the community.”
“If you’re causing fitnah at school, it is better for you to leave the school.”
“Cover properly, so that you aren’t a trial for the guys!”
Such comments strike at the insecurities, religious aspirations, and self-esteem of our sisters in a way Islam never ever meant. This environment can only result in a few endings. One, a person will decide that she wants nothing to do with a practicing version of Islam and will leave practicing circles, deciding to strike her own path. Why would anyone want to be in a judgmental environment? Second, she may buy into this version of “Islam” and develop insecurities and issues that a natural, Prophetically-guided, scholarly approach to Islam would never allow.
In Islam, hijab is not demanded of women by men. Hijab and modesty is ordered upon women by the Merciful Ever-Living, Ever-Watchful God, as a protection and a barrier. A means of interacting in society while holding the line against anyone who would seek to harass, hit on, annoy, or irritate them. It is an outward symbol of an inward spiritual reality and aspiration. It is not a political flag for the Islamic state, it is not a sign of women’s subjugation to men, it is not a litmus test for religiosity, and it is not a measure of a woman’s piety, family background, or sign of her upbringing.
It is one act, a result of one of God’s commands. Everyone tries to obey Him, all of us fall short. As one of the `ulama (scholars) in Chicago once taught: “A person’s public sin is no worse than your private sin.”
The attitude that hijab and Islamic dress codes exist to protect men are an utter and total fallacy. How do we know that? Let us approach the Book of Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He):
“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (Qur’an 33:59)
This verse comes with the cause or ‘illa behind the commandment: “so that they may be known and not abused.” Notice that the verse does not come with any mention of men. This is about the protection of women’s physical safety and presence from men, not the protection of men’s spiritual state from women. The fact that this protection may occur is a benefit of the Hijab for the community, not its purpose. From this, we can take four points that are critical to a healthy Islamic understanding of hijab.
Hijab is not there to protect men. If you think it is there to protect you as a man, we have turned an act to be done for Allah (swt), into an act to be done for us. It is there to protect women, so do not pervert the purpose of this command of God (swt). There is no doubt that we come across immodesty on TV, at school, work, and all over. We should not use the fact that a sister is dressed in a way that does not fit God’s commandments (or our personal interpretation of God’s commandments) into a reason for having bad manners, a lack of respect, and a lack of humility.
For brothers, we should lower our gazes and move on. We don’t need to comment about how this is such a fitnah or loudly say, “Astaghfirullah (I seek refuge in God),” so our boys can hear us and see how “pious” we are.
For sisters, if you want to advise someone about hijab, ask yourself, am I advising because it makes me feel pious? Or am I advising because I care about this person and want to be a good friend and sister in calling her towards the pleasure of Allah (swt)? Most of the sisters who decide to wear the hijab in adulthood don’t do it because someone yelled at them or taunted them. They do it because they were able to recognize its beauty after spending time with people who wore it with dignity and showed modesty not just in their clothing, but also in their character.
Men should frame the issue of the fitnah of women in their environment as a factor of their own closeness to God. We know the society we live in and the schools we go to. That was never a surprise. Taqwa (God consciousness) is the key protecting us, so focus on that.
There are so many gender-relations talks and seminars in Muslim communities that it almost baffles the outsider. How can a group of people who claim to have the guidance and the path to Paradise laid out for them by the Best of Mankind ï·º (peace be upon him), have trouble understanding the basics of how to interact with one another professionally and with respect?
The issue of struggling with the base desires, as mentioned in Imam al-Ghazali’s book, “Breaking the Two Desires,” is one that is closely tied to one’s relationship with God. The soul is something that was created by God, and in order to get it to grow and defeat the base desires of the body, it must be fed. As Shah Walilullah wrote, something that is created out of the spiritual world, cannot be fed with the material of the physical world. If we want to curtail the desires of our body (for sex, comfort, food), and increase the spiritual discipline and awareness of God in our own souls, the key is developing a relationship and connection to the Book of God, the houses of God, the people of God, and the remembrance of God. Complaining about how some women in our environment do not dress appropriately and so we are having spiritual struggles is a cop out.
As many of our spiritual masters have said over the centuries, the first step in gaining nearness to God, is to understand that one must blame his or her own soul, and acknowledge his or her own deficiencies, before seeking the One who is Free From Deficiencies. This is put into action through tawbah – turning towards God in repentance.
Hijab is about the Fiqh (Law) for Women, not the Tazkiyyah (Spiritual Purification) of Men
We should make no mistake. The legal opinion of normative Islam, from the time of the Prophet ï·º till today, is undivided in the view that women should cover their hair and dress modestly in the presence of non-familial men. The scholars are also undivided in the fact that you and I should not yell at our parents, swear at the weather, treat people harshly, drink alcohol, miss prayers, speak meanly to others, backbite, or judge other human beings without knowing their situations.
Muslim men should focus on their spirituality through good company, prayer, and all the other practices we are ordered to do, while allowing this to remain an issue’s of women’s fiqh (law), and not of men’s spirituality.
Because of the judgmental comments and harshness, and sometimes, sly, torpedo-in-the-water comments directed towards our sisters, many imams, da`ees (people who call others to Islam), teachers, and well-meaning advisors have trouble approaching the topic of hijab. Anyone even discussing it is often painted with the paintbrush that he is “judgmental.” This occurs even when the da`ee or teacher is doing so in the best of manners and with sound knowledge. This fault is on all involved of course – those of us responsible for spreading an environment of harshness, and those responsible for judging all religiously-oriented figures as being harsh and difficult to deal with.
The bad manners of some of us in “enjoining good” have made it impossible for our teachers and people of knowledge to enjoin it correctly, as people paint all of those who open their mouth on this and other issues with the same brush. This allows those who actually try to claim that the hijab is not a part of Islam to have their ignorance heard, while keeping the knowledgeable scholars from having their knowledge spread.
Men should advise the women of their family and encourage them on this topic in a way that befits the Prophetic character.
No one should take this to mean that hijab is not an important part of a Muslim’s woman’s obligations towards God. But that is the key. Towards God. Hijab should not become inflated as a symbol that boosts the religious standing of a woman’s family, nor a flag of political Islam, nor a tool to show off her piety, nor a cloth of guilt that makes her hate it.
It is instead, a command from God that comes in the most beautiful manner, for her own protection, her own elevation, and her own dignity.
As a closing note, we should remember that if we are doing something that is good, and are enabled to do it – we should not cast off that good deed just because we may have suddenly realized that our original intention was not solely for the sake of Allah (swt). Even if we are wearing the hijab, praying regularly, speaking well, giving charity, or doing any other good deed and originally began it with an intention that wasn’t healthy or focused on Allah (swt), we should not let Shaytaan (the Devil) trick us into ceasing the good deed. Instead, we can turn towards our Lord, ask him to purify our intention, and dedicate our deed towards Him.
This is a religion that is about community. As our Lord states in Surat al Hujurat (The Chapter of the Rooms, Qur’an 49), we are nothing but brothers and sisters to each other. We should advise each other towards good, but do it with a sound understanding of the legal basis of what we are calling to, as well as a sound understanding of the manners that befit our message.
hijab make us more beautiful..
Monday, May 21, 2012
i'm NOT alone..
aku tahu tak terlambat untuk aku berubah..Allah bagi hidayah supaya aku rase i need must to CHANGE..Allahukbar! nikmat Allah sangat besar yag aku tak pernah nak appreciate..zalimnya aku..
not to late! insyaallah aku boley not alone..aku sangat yakin Allah selalu ada n sayang hambaNya termasuk aku hamba yang lemah..
aku tahu berubah tu sangat sume tu aku kena kuat that is start from myself...sometimes terpegun sangat tengok perempuan pakai jubah n purdah..rase jugak "bile aku nak pakai camni"..lau aku nak sume tu boley..aku kena kuat..tak de orang larang pon aku nak pakai camtu..
ni ubat untuk hati supaya selalu ingat Allah S.W.T..aku akan berusaha untuk wat sume ini..sometimes rase hepi tapi sebenarnye hati ni empty sangat...
so, tak payah nak tunggu kahwin baru nak taubat bagai..mati tu bile2 je Malaikat Izrail datang jemput..aku takut bekalan aku tak cukop..macam mane nk jumpe Allah..takot sangat...semoga Allah terime taubat aku..aku tak nak adik laki aku,abah aku tanggung azab dosa yang aku wat..aku sayang sangat dorang..
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Untung bila ada yang sayangkan kita,
sampai menangis kerana risaukan keadaan kita.
Dan amatlah rugi,
kalau itu semua sekadar untuk keadaan kita di dunia,
dan bukan kerana untuk masa hadapan kita di akhirat sana.
------------------------------ -
Cinta yang sebenar,
adalah yang membawa ke syurga.
Apa-apa yang membawa ke neraka,
itu bukan cinta namanya.
sampai menangis kerana risaukan keadaan kita.
Dan amatlah rugi,
kalau itu semua sekadar untuk keadaan kita di dunia,
dan bukan kerana untuk masa hadapan kita di akhirat sana.
Cinta yang sebenar,
adalah yang membawa ke syurga.
Apa-apa yang membawa ke neraka,
itu bukan cinta namanya.
syukur sangat rasenye..alhamdulillah Allah masih bagi peluang untuk aku berubah..berubah ke jalan yang diredhai Allah..aku tahu nak berubah ke arah kebaikan itu bukan sesuatu yang mudah mcm makan kacang..perlu kuat kan hati..iman semua la..aku dah tak nak pikir orang di sekeliling yang penting aku nak hidup tenang, aman dan diredhai Allah..kadang-kadang aku tak tahu nak mula dari mane..sape yang nak tolong..macam-macam la..nak cakap aku jahil aku banyak belajar agama..aku tahu hukum-hukum Allah..aku yang menzalimi diri aku sendiri..sekarang hidup aku rasa kosong sangat..mungkin rahmat Allah jauh sangat dari aku..bile pikir hidop aku sekarang aku rasa sedih sangat.."masihkah ada peluang untuk aku dapat rahmat Allah?" selalu je hati aku terdetik macam tu..aku nak sangat hidop hepi..tengok wanita pakai tudung labuh-labuh aku teringin sangat nak pakai macam tu..sejuk je mata memandang..kadan-kadang rase malu jugak nak berubah takot orang cakap ape..tapi bile pikir balik "dekat padang mahsyar nanti tak de orang pon boley tolong aku melainkan amal ibadat aku kat atas dunia ni"..aku nak wat 5 perkara rukun islam betol-betol kena jage.
kawan aku penah cakap "wat cam solat nk g dating ngan 'pakwe' kite..lau nk g jmpe pakwe konfem-konfem la nak cantek, wangi, bersih dan yang penting nk punctual giler la orang ckp..lau nak jumpe kol 3, konfem kol 2 tu da siap kan..macam la solat jugak, Allah tu pakwe kite yang sangat setia..yang tak kan penah tinggal kite" Ya Allah..aku ni hanya pikir cinta manusia je..cinta Allah yang hakiki..sekarang aku tak nak dah pikir pakwe ke ape ke..Allah dah tetap kan jodoh kite..aku berubah tutup aurat dengan sempurna..aku insan yang sangat lemah dan kerdil..aku xnak persiakan peluang yang Allah bagi sebab Dia sayang aku..Ya Allah aku bersyukur kepadamu...
p/s: terima kasih rumet yang tersayang sebab slalu ade mase senang dan susah..semoga kite selalu dirahmati Allah..
1. Mengucap dua kalimah syahadah
2. Menunaikan solat 5 waktu sehari semalam
3. Berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan
4. Menunaikan zakat
5. Menunaikan Haji
kawan aku penah cakap "wat cam solat nk g dating ngan 'pakwe' kite..lau nk g jmpe pakwe konfem-konfem la nak cantek, wangi, bersih dan yang penting nk punctual giler la orang ckp..lau nak jumpe kol 3, konfem kol 2 tu da siap kan..macam la solat jugak, Allah tu pakwe kite yang sangat setia..yang tak kan penah tinggal kite" Ya Allah..aku ni hanya pikir cinta manusia je..cinta Allah yang hakiki..sekarang aku tak nak dah pikir pakwe ke ape ke..Allah dah tetap kan jodoh kite..aku berubah tutup aurat dengan sempurna..aku insan yang sangat lemah dan kerdil..aku xnak persiakan peluang yang Allah bagi sebab Dia sayang aku..Ya Allah aku bersyukur kepadamu...
p/s: terima kasih rumet yang tersayang sebab slalu ade mase senang dan susah..semoga kite selalu dirahmati Allah..
dorang ni sangat cantek bila bertudung... :)